Sunday, October 21, 2012

Too Small to Make a Difference?

If we believe a problem to be so big, that we are too small to make a difference, then who will make that difference?

By choosing to sit back in the comfort of our safe and secure lives and look on in horror, to shake our heads in disbelief or even worse turn away and ignore because the suffering is too terrible to bear witness to, are we not just condoning or at the very least accepting these problems?

So! You're too unimportant to make a difference? 
Nothing you could do would be of any use to a problem so big! 
A regular everyday person can't change the world!  

You know what you're right. 

Choose to do nothing, because you think you're too small to make a difference then you're right, you WON'T make a difference.  

Maybe one person can't change the world, but they can make the little piece they come into contact with a better place, and who knows you might change one persons world.  

"It's always the right time to do the right thing"

Ben Harper - With My Own Two Hands

‘If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito’. African proverb.

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