Yet again the generosity of people just blows me away.... It's only when you start to do something like this, that the good in people shines through.
So, I had coffee with a person I kinda know, I had emailed him along with everybody in my address book that isn't on my Facebook page, about my plan and he replied and suggested we catch up over coffee and he would share some of his experiences.
We chatted, he shared with me stories of his time living, eating and working in the slums of Thailand, he gave me some great advice and ideas with regards to the Silent Auction. All in all it was a very positive hour, I came away feeling even more fired up than I did before. That's what I love about this, as soon as I start talking or sharing my desire to make it work, I just get more inspired, more determined to make it happen.
So the plan for Week One of these school holidays approach as many local companies as possible and see how they can offer their support, but not before I've had lunch with the Head Cheerleader, who's encouragement was what made me believe I could get this dream off the ground
I frequently litter my Facebook profile with quotes I find along the way, these are often the wise words of Randy Pausch but once in a while a Jacqui'ism sneeks it's way onto my page, and today was one of those days.
"Every dream is born by a ray of hope, every friendship begins with a single action, every journey starts with a single step... Jacqui'ism"More words of encouragement made their way to me today, from a most unexpected quarter, let me explain... A few months ago I went through a spell of playing Words with Friends on my iPhone, and one day I started playing against a random person who requested a game, we chatted via the messenger system and soon exchanged friendly emails. This person lives in Arizona near a place called Fort Mojave, a million miles and a world away from little old Henderson in West Auckland, but he became a friend, I know he reads my blog and sends encouragement in the Native American way of Positive Thought and affirmation. Yesterday he emailed me, and just these few short lines really spurred me on.
"Hi, how's it going? Just sitting here in Fort Mojave and reading the blog. Sounds like things are getting rolling. It's just my opinion, but I think if you have something on your mind, you should go ahead and blog it. It's really interesting to see the progress of things. Good luck and hang in there. I wish I could do more but it sounds like you have some really good support. Good luck"I hope he doesn't mind me sharing his words of encouragement, but just knowing somebody on the otherside of the world, who barely knows me is supporting my goal makes me believe I can really do this...
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