To some people raising $7,000 in six months would be nothing, they could do it in a week, but I'm not in a position that affords me that luxury. Generating enough interest to enable me to raise this money is hard work, I'm certainly not complaining, far from it. In fact the past few months have been some of the most rewarding of my life, but nonetheless it's still hard work.
I knew the Silent Auction was going to be my best opportunity to raise the money I need, so I had to focus most of my energy into making that a noteworthy event. All the while plodding away at smaller tasks too.
And though not a big event in the big scheme of things, it's one I've had to build whilst also working full time, and I've been making a conscious effort to not let these two facets of my life impact on the other too any great degree.
As with the organisation of any event, it doesn't just happen, there is a process of building up the layers until completion, and my Silent Auction is proving no different. By creating a timeline (a list by any other name, and those who know me, know I'm a list maker of the highest order) of what needs to be achieved I've managed to move through each of the planning stages with relative ease. Breaking each stage down into "bite size pieces" has ensured I'm ticking off an achievement nearly every day, which builds moral and a sense of "do-ability" to the whole thing.
Personally I think Jamie Fitzgerald sums it up nicely in one of his clips on YouTube.
Right off to face the real world, the one that pays the bills.
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