Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The HC came through....

I've said it before, and no doubt I'll say it again and again before I get to Kenya,
"I know pretty some amazing people"
The Head Cheerleader (HC) and I chatted this morning as we often do, and again he asked if the proceeds from the sale of a domain name he sold and pledged to me, had shown up yet... and again I said "not yet" 

Then only an hour or two later, checking my banking and wooohoooooo my Getting to Kenya account is $1325.06 healthier than it had been at 06:00 this morning.  What can I say, "Thank you" just doesn't seem enough.  There is no way to describe this person he is just a genuine, good guy, and I'm lucky enough to call him my friend.  Not only had the Domain name money shown up, but a colleague had pledged to sponsor me and the money from her was there too, and more than I expected.... again "Thanks" just doesn't seem enough.  This day certainly had all the hallmarks of a good day.  

I had already planned to take a trip along to the local supermarket - Pac n Save today and chat with the manager, and thats what I did.  He was pretty welcoming, and immediately agreed to provide a gift hamper for the auction, that can be collected on Friday.  Thanks again Pac n Save Lincoln Road.  

Whilst the good buzz was on my side I also detoured off and popped into The Warehouse, I know one of the senior staff members here, a great lady, our girls went to school together and she had kindly sponsored me on the mudrun, so time to pick up that $20:00.  My plan had been to chat with the manager of The Warehouse Lincoln Road, but he wasn't onsite, but my sponsor took my information sheets and letter and said she would had it to him personally tomorrow, I'll take a trip back there and see if I can touch base with him in the next day or so.  

The beauty of having the school holidays off is all the time I've had over the years to spend with my amazing girls... Sadly as the girls get older (nearly 19 & 21) that time is diminishing especially with my eldest, she is in her final year at Uni, she is working weekends, Nannying three days a week, and doing her internship at an inner-city advertising agency.. phew just typing all that makes me exhausted... she really is a hard working, brilliant young woman.  

My youngest is in her first year at Uni, studying teaching, she too is another hard working young woman, who works both days on the weekend, but with the holidays it does give us time to do stuff during the week.  So today we grabbed the opportunity of a glorious sunny but cold day and headed north of Auckland to Orewa.  We got ourselves some hot chips and sat overlooking the beach eating them.  It was great chatting and watching the world go by, but not before discovering the best little 2nd hand bookshop with a very enthusiastic owner.   

All in all... a GREAT DAY.....

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