Saturday, July 7, 2012

Such Beauty awaits me.

Posting daily of my pretty uneventful life, is soon going to become boring even for my most dedicated supporters.  My life just isn't that interesting.  You don't want to hear the moaning of the unproductive days or the days of self doubt constantly, so maybe from time to time a simple update is all that is called for.  Today I feel is one of those days.

I do not own the rights to these photos, they are simply images I found as I Googled Nakuru Kenya

I'm not anticipating getting the opportunity to experience the Nakuru National Park and all it's wonders, as my trip is not one of sightseeing, but if such an opportunity arose I won't be turning it down, simply knowing that such beauty is so close by just inspires me to raise this money.  And right now inspiration is what I need in spades. 

As a child I remember thinking the Flamingo was one of the most beautiful and strange creatures I had ever seen.  I recall my dad telling me flamingos are pink because of a mineral in the shrimp they eat copious amounts of. As I grew up and obviously became far wiser than my parents, I decided dad had this wrong, and it was just an urban myth.  And until I started write this post I was naively  confident I was far more informed than my dad... WRONG! Take a look at why Flamingos are pink  
Current Score Dad 100,0001: Jacqui: 0

Just the thought of being in an environment that has camels walking about as part of everyday life is alien to me, but one that I'm so ready to experience. 

This whole process has brought about a lot of self reflection and questioning, and I would be lying if I didn't admit I'm beginning to question myself.  Is this desire to volunteer in Kenya one of arrogance? Maybe arrogance is the wrong word.  I certainly don't believe what I have to offer is any better than what the children in the Holding Hands Children's Home already have, I feel it will be my soul that'll feel more complete if I've tried to help these children.  So maybe the word I'm searching for is selfish not arrogance, I selfishly want to volunteer in Kenya to feed my soul. 

Last weekend, my six year old godson summed it up perfectly when he asked me 
"Jacqui, are you going to go be a mummy to those kids?"  
yes Loghan, I suppose that is what I want to be, even if just for a little while.  


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