Sunday, July 8, 2012

We got Dirty, & We liked it


What better way to spend a stunning winters day in Auckland than with an amazing group of friends who came along to support me (and have a lot of laughs) 

Waking up this morning we were greeted with an 
abs-olutely glorious winters day, it was chilly with a light frost on the ground, but I could not have asked for a better day to go do my first Tough Girl Tough Guy challenge.  

The ever smiling Mrs J picked me up at 09:00, with her beautiful daughter in tow, the laughing started before we get to the end of my road... and it didn't stop until we all went staggered in our doors at the end of the day... 

Who could ask for better friends? Certainly not I.  

On arrival at the Woodhill Equestrian Centre, there was already a considerable crowd gathering with registration stalls handing out the goody bags and hundreds of eager mud runners ready to have some good old dirty fun.  

"These $3:00 Aviators are going to keep me clean and dry all day, just you watch."

"Bugger I've got mud on my new white t-shirt..."

4026 was going to be my lucky number... I could just tell. 

Here we go the first of a million mud swamps, and this was just a small one to get us into the swing of things..... BRILLIANT, loving it already

Who is that masked man?........  No really who is.. Peter 4680 ? 


Nearing the end now, sorry but there are no mid way photos, our lovely photographer wasn't able to get along the course, but there were many professional photographers, and I have a sneaking suspicion that the one of Mrs J and I stuck waist deep and laughing our heads off, just might have been captured for prosperity

Cold, deep and muddy doesn't even come close to describing the last mud'stical sliding down the bank into what quickly became thigh deep mud, only to be faced with a cargo net to belly crawl under, was a brilliant way to finish off a fantastic 6km run, slip, slide, splash.... bring on 2013, I can't wait..


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