Throughout the day I find my mind wandering, what I need to do, what it will be like. Thoughts wash over me at the strangest time, like this evening, walking around the mall when suddenly I thought to myself, "is this all going to "look" different when I come back? Am I going to see everything through new eyes?"
The confidence roller-coaster is currently plummeting faster than the Giant Drop at Dreamworld. I've sort of worked myself into a mild state of panic over the amount of people who will or more actually won't show at my Auction. I have this recurring dream of just me, my daughters and two friends standing listening to my guest speaker... I know (hope) this won't be the case, but right now, it's a genuine fear...I'm not sure what more I can do to promote and sell tickets, I've contacted rowing clubs, climbing clubs, friends, ex-dolleagues all in the attempt to generate interest, I just keep repeating the mantra I live by "It's okay, I'll be fine..."
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