Monday, October 1, 2012

I'm happy to say.....

Phase Two is officially underway 

So there I was, all last week feeling flat as the proverbial pancake, when suddenly today it hit me like a bolt out the blue...condoms!!!. All the children at HHCH are orphans.  Orphans primarily because of AIDs and HIV, and what helps to prevent the spread of these diseases? Condoms... so why not approach companies directly and get them donate condoms?

It'll make for an interesting conversation at customs I'm sure.... picture this.
"So Ms Edwards, 1000 condoms!, are you here for a long time or a good time?"
But seriously........ before long, as with all things "Jacq" that single idea started to grow and morph.  
Why stop at just condoms? Why not hand sanitizers to prevent the spread of disease through hand/mouth contact? and seeds to kick start the individual garden idea I have for the holiday programme at Holding Hands? and what school doesn't need more Pencils? All these items are relatively light, and if I remove any excess packaging I can easily transport them up with me to Nakuru.. 

So as with the Auction, the plan is now to target companies and see if they will come to the party so to speak.  The scatter effect worked well before, so I'll employ it again, though my targets this time are more limited... but there is more than one way to skin a goose. If specific distributors won't donate I'll be more creative in my approach. Getting friends to donate wine worked, so why not see who will donate a box of condoms?

Watch this space .....

(before December 20th I would like at least) 

1000 Condoms
100 Packets of vegetable seeds
100 Boxes of writing pencils

500 Sachets of hand sanitizer 

Doable??? .............. 
I don't see why not.

I've already approached Etihad the airline I'm flying with, they have declined my request for an additional baggage allowance of 5kg and told me anything over my allocated allowance will be charged at $57:00 per kg, plenty of time to work on that one, otherwise I reduce what I take for personal wear and use, and just use some of the extra money raised if I go over my allocated allowance. 

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