Friday, October 5, 2012

LifeStraw pt.2

Yet again the goodness of everyday people shines through, the response to yesterdays post about the LifeStraw was heart warming, with one friend messaging me and wanting to purchase five LifeStraws for the children of Gioto Garbage Slum, that is true compassion if ever I saw it.  

After posting about the LifeStraw I contacted the New Zealand distributors and got an almost immediate response, and they advised me as long as I place a minimum order of 10 LifeStraws they will sell them to me at $25:00.  

Gioto Garbage Slum 
When you close your door tonight,
remember some people don't have that luxury

So to all of you who yesterday told me you were prepared to donate a LifeStraw on behalf of your child or grandchild, you now only have to pay $25:00, as no matter what happens, I will ensure that we purchase at least ten.  

LifeStraw $25:00
Hand delivered by me to the children of the
Gioto Garbage Slum for Christmas

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