Saturday, October 6, 2012

Negativity never works, positivity seldom fails

The Holstee Manifesto

Life has never been clearer and decisions never simpler than they are right now, I've committed myself to doing what feels right, rather than what is expected of me and it feels good.  Once I began to remove those imaginary, self imposed obstacles, even the real barriers seemed to start shrinking.  

Instead of telling myself "I can't"  I've chosen to ask myself "Why can't I?" and pretty soon it becomes apparent there aren't too many reasons why I can't do or try anything... 

Live life with passion, 

Treat people with respect, 

Be kind when ever possible 
(it's always possible) 


Laugh and smile as much as you can 
(it's sexy, contagious and makes you feel good)

Buy a LifeStraw for just $25:00 and
I will give it to a child on the Gioto Garbage Slum
on your behalf this Christmas 

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