Saturday, October 13, 2012


A few years ago I came to the realisation that if I didn't allow myself to live my life with passion, I simply wasn't living, but just killing time.

I don't just mean passion in the sexual sense, though don't get me wrong that is vital, I mean passion for Life, passion for my daughters, passion to follow my dreams, values, convictions and beliefs.  Passion is the fuel that drives us, the level of passion we are prepared to commit ultimately determines how far we go.

I didn't want to just exist anymore I wanted to Live.

By finally being brave enough to follow my passion, life is changing for me. Though the downside to this change is I'm becoming even less accepting of mediocrity and negativity than I ever was before - actually is that a downside?  I don't think it is, surely if we accept mediocrity the person we betray the most is ourselves.

Recently I was told that following my dream coupled with the desire to be in a fulfilling relationship was simply a case of wanting my cake and eating it too, what is cake for, if not for eating?

And just like most people I would love to be in a a fulfilling personal relationship, one with a lot of laughing, a lot of talking, a meeting of minds, values and ideas, and by following this dream maybe I'm sacrificing that, but I don't believe I am, in the words of a person I spent more than twenty years of my life with.
"What's meant for you, won't go by you"
But for now, simply following this long held dreamed to make a difference in the lives of those who need a helping hand, fueled by a fierce passion works for me.


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