Friday, December 21, 2012

Long haul flights are a lot like childbirth


Long haul flights are a lot like childbirth

Here I sit, in Cattle Class, on a Virgin Australia code share flight somewhere between Sydney and Abu Dhabi, the little map tells me, we still have seven and a half hours until we reach Abu Dhabi, this stopped being quiet the excitement your brain deceives you into remembering it to be about five hours into one of these flights.  Just like childbirth, one quickly forgets how uncomfortable you become, how tiring it is and how all you want to do is sleep, but sleep is the last thing you're being granted.

To be fair this is possible one of the best long haul flights I've ever flown on,and I've done my fair share, the crew are brilliant, their service second to none, even the food has been good, never have I an airline meal where if they had offered me seconds I would have said "yes please" and honestly meant it.

Whilst a nonstop long haul flight is never going to be a "barrel of monkeys" one of the things sustained periods of sitting are good for is a bit of self reflection and "brain sorting" and this trip has proven to be no different.  

I've never been a person who struggles to talk to people, "really?" I hear you gasp, I will happily converse with those that strike up a conversation with me, but I'm not one to actively seek out conversation with everybody that crosses my path.  But as I step forth on this new and for me completely new road of  discovery, I've come to realise I have to make those opportunities, to hear the stories of others.

After what seems like an eternity, I'm finally in Abu Dhabi, with over ten hours to kill and very little to do here sleep looks like the best option.  The diversity is amazing, though the local staff are less than welcoming. But I'm only here in transit and I really need sleep .... So that's me for now, just too tired to write but want to post this whilst I have free wifi access

Not sure when I'll be posting next I will be  governed by if I am able to use my phone as a hotspot for my iPad

Sleep well


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