Wednesday, October 10, 2012

First World Problems... "Yeah right"

Late Monday whilst reading the New Zealand Herald online, I came across an article that I read with a wry smile but sadly with only a little disbelief.

Paul Harper's story outlined the results of a recent survey carried out by UNICEF, and whilst I'm sure the results were taken entirely out of context and meant to be read with tongue firmly lodged in ones cheek, (I certainly hope thats the case, because surely we as a nation aren't this pathetic, are we?)  It still highlights the crazy world we live in, where issues such as these even become classified as a "problem"

  • Slow internet access
  • Not finding what you want in the supermarket
  • Bad tasting fruit
  • Terrible haircut
  • TV remote not working
  • Poor cell phone coverage
  • Incorrect coffee made by the Barista
  • No access to email/internet 
or the best of all......
  • An uncomfortable couch.  
What the children of Gioto Garbage Slum wouldn't give for a fraction of these "problems."   
  • Slow internet access - "what's the Internet?" 
  • Not finding what you want in the supermarket - "what is a Supermarket?"
  • Bad tasting fruit - "yeah the stuff off yesterdays dump truck didn't taste too flash"
  • Bad haircut - Don't want to be infested with lice, "shave it off"
  • TV remote not working - "Never watched TV?"
.......... yup, you get the picture.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting we all become martyrs and give up all our worldly goods, Im not asking you to change places with these people and go live on a garbage slum.  But I am urging you remember that each and every one of us has been blessed to live in this amazing country.  

When you close your door tonight
remember not everybody has that luxury
Total self sacrifice would be pointless and achieve nothing, but the next time you start to whinge about the speed of your internet, the poor selection of potato chips in your local store, or the fact you don't have cable TV, give a little thought to what you are actually complaining about, is it important? And I can guess the answer will probably be a resounding "NO".......

Maybe we all need a reminder from time to time to re-prioritise a little.  

Check out UNICEF NZ - For more details on First World Problems

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