Saturday, February 15, 2014

10 LifeStraw Family Units Pledged

To date there has been 10 units pledged, we are quarter of the way to the target of 42, with just 77 days to go.  Somedays I'm thinking
"Yay 10 units, we're a quarter of the way" then the next I'm thinking 
"Oh no, only ten units, I'm never going to hit that elusive 42"

I anticipate (more like secretly praying) that like with most things, there will be a flurry of pledges as the actual event draws closer, and suddenly the pledges will go through the roof.

Did somebody mention that it's only 77 Days until the marathon..... Now I'm officially scared.

Last week I had what seemed like genuine interest from the physio that I saw for some work on my leg and knee, I'm also hoping to spread the word at the gym where I train.

I've also sourced some nice tops that I'm going to have printed for myself, and some fantastic friends who have offered to support me through this event.  I will have them printed with the logo and the tag line "Running for Water" 

Whilst I think about it, I would like to make it quite clear that any promotional costs that are incurred are funded directly out of my own pocket. I do not and never have incorporated these expenses into the fundraising targets.  When I ask for a specific dollar value for single unit, that is the price I've been quoted by the supplier/distributor that I will be charged.  If at the time of payment I'm lucky enough to get a discount in the unit price all that will happen, is I will purchase additional units.  These units will then be directly acknowledged as purchased by the current donors.

Below are a few images taken by the German charity HHF (Hardcore Help Foundation) of their LifeStraw Family distribution late in 2013.  HHF have generously offered to assist with the shipping of all units donated through the 42forWater campaign.


1 comment:

  1. Good luck on fresh water for 3 year. Takuo
