Thursday, February 13, 2014

It's proving so much harder this time

"Why is it so much harder to get traction with this campaign than it was with the last one?" hmmmmmm that's a question I've been asking myself a lot this past month,

And it was whilst out running on Saturday (long run day) that under the beating sun, dripping in sweat, and snot the answer finally dawned on me.

Who said a heat addled, dehydrated brain can't do some good thinking? Personally I come up with loads of great thoughts whilst running, one small problem I seldom can remember them when I get home... but this one I do remember, this time is harder for a variety of reasons;
  • One, there is no novelty factor, last time it was all new, it was a bit different knowing somebody who was going off to work in some random place in Kenya, people bought into the whole idea, but this time, I'm sure some people must be thinking "Oh there goes Jacqui again, off to save the world." when the truth is, last time I had passion, drive and determination, but little actual knowledge of what I was facing.  This time I have passion, drive, determination and a much better understanding of where I can direct this energy.  This time there is a very specific focus. 
  • Secondly, this time around I'm asking people to give dollars, I'm asking for people to believe in a product, not a person.  I'm not delivering these devices, I can't afford a flight to Kenya at the moment, so I'm partnering with a German charity that I worked with last year and they have generously offered to ship the units in their container. 
  • And thirdly, and this is the biggie I believe, this time not only am I putting all this effort into generating support, I'm also training my backside off to be able to complete my part of the deal.  
And lets make this very clear, I'm no athlete, I'm nothing other than a very regular, everyday, fairly fit, 44 year old woman who has pledged to complete a marathon in return for  the backing of water filtration devices.  

Here's a thought...... If you can only afford half a LifeStraw Family unit, that's perfectly okay, there will be other people that can only afford half too, why not share the cost with them, I'm not fussy, how we do this, I just want 42 units to go to Nakuru and give safe drinking water to families that  need it.


  1. Wow love the big life straws. Serafina

  2. Cool lucky we don't have water like that
