It, was Friday and I'd promised the Mega Mitre10 guy a beer.
To say it's been a tough week, is a bit of an understatement, lots of rubbish going on, that just drags you down, but it was Friday so no complaints there.
But I just knew it had to be a good sign, that this was going to be a good day, when I got a very positive message via Facebook re: a my guest speaker, I'm not counting my chickens before they've hatched, so fingers crossed. I've mentioned the guy from Mega Mitre10 who generously offered support last week, well I promised him a beer for his generosity so far. He had messaged me during the week to say already a number of items were starting to come in, I know I keep saying it, but I am astounded by how supportive people are.
I'm constantly hearing "You're brave to be doing this!" it's not brave, it's just the need to fulfill something that has been burning inside me for 25 years. I can't guarantee when I come back, I won't be looking for ways to return and continue helping there, or maybe once will be enough, who knows?
What I've learnt more than anything since starting this, is it really is about connections, the old adage of it's not what you, but who you know (or maybe who I'm getting to know, as I travel down this road to Kenya) being the type of person who can talk easily to strangers has helped, and the passion inside me to achieve this, is what makes it even easier.
My good friend Kerry-ann got the ball rolling last night, she came to meet me for a quick drink after work and we shared a laugh or two (always a lot of laughing with Kerry-ann) I head to the bar to buy the beer I owed the Mitre10 guy, only to return and find her not in our seat. There she was happily promoting me and my cause to the table of 5 guys behind us, all of whom proceeded to be very generous in their monetary donations and their offers of support. "Thanks" Kerry-ann for being the kind of friend that gets off her butt and helps people, "thanks" random guys in the bar who gave generously, and bought me a wine.
“When we're connected to others, we become better people.”
― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
The aim for today, my first "door knocking" to local business, if the truth be told, I'm a little scared. But nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Watch this space
I entitled this post All You Good Good People, because anybody who knows me well, will know the importance of music to me. I love the song of the same name by the band Embrace, but had never seen the video. I had intended to link the video clip in via YouTube, but after going and finding it, I just couldn't, it has to be the saddest music video I have ever watched, it moved me to tears, but not in a good way. So I just couldn't end my positive vibe on a negative note. Brilliant song though.
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