Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Funny Couple of Days

School starts back on Monday, and as per normal the last couple of days have been busiest days of the holidays, it will be nice to get back into the swing of work, but I've enjoyed the past two weeks of school holidays even more than normal.  Often by the end of the first week I'm starting to feel bored, but not so this time, too much to do, and not enough time to do any of it.

Thursday I had dedicated to trying to organising another project that I need to start/complete, but it was a stop start kind of day.  And not much of other said project got done. 

Pak n Save called to tell me they had a hamper ready to be collected, and oh my gosh what a hamper it is, they have been so generous, this will be a great auction item I'm sure.  Soon after this my contact at Mega Mitre10 phoned and asked if he could drop some donations off.  He arrived with a variety of goodies, suddenly my garage is starting to really fill up.  And to top it all off, the photographer who is donating two of her photos on canvas sent me a message inviting me to come to her place and select the two prints I would like.  Things are starting to take shape, I just really need to get the venue and the speaker sorted, it's worrying me a little that I have no clear answer on those two, as that is what everybody asks me about when I talk "Kenya" to them.

Friday morning, I trotted along to a breakfast event the Mega Mitre10 contact invited me to, I arrived, and to be honest felt a little like I was taking advantage, this was most definitely for builders and tradies to catch up and talk shop, not the place for a random to come in and try and fundraise.  But so nice that he even thought about an opportunity for me.  

Friday is one of three Western Leader (free local paper) days and just as I was heading out the door to go and select the prints for the auction I saw it in my letterbox, a quick flick through and there it was, the article about me.  Now except for a picture of me aged 3 holding my easter egg, I've never been in print, and I'm no hurry to make it a regular occurrence, but what is it  they say "No publicity is bad publicity" time will tell... and yes I agree it's a shocker of a photo. 

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