Sunday, July 15, 2012

Inspirational - Education For All

I received an email yesterday, from a local man who had read the article in the Western Leader about my planned trip to Kenya.  Via email, he outlined that he and his wife support a high school in the Huruma Slum area of Nairobi, and would be interested in meeting with me to discuss my plans and what I'm doing.  We exchanged a couple of emails over the course of the day, and agreed to meet for a coffee on Sunday morning at a local cafe.

Wow, what an inspiration!

Not unlike myself, he too he had an "epiphany"where it became apparent that if you want to make a difference, if you want help, you actually have to get off your backside and do it.  And yes, it is hard work and nobody is going to hand it to you on a plate but the rewards far outweigh the effort.

The backstory to this mans achievements is far to in-depth for me to do it justice in this simple blog.  But I assure you, from the donation of computers, creating of computer labs in this poorest of schools, establishing and facilitating the instillation of the internet into the school and the provision of e-Learning facilities, are just the tip of the iceberg.  Couple this with his passion to take a similar model to Tuvalu later this year.  And why Tuvalu? because as if he isn't doing enough, he has been part of a mentor programme in an Auckland school and has developed relationships with a number of people within the Tuvaluan community.

I urge you to take a look at his website for the organisation he founded, Education For All.  As I scroll through his website I quickly come to realise my plans pale by comparison. The good this man and the team he has created are doing, is phenomenal, I left the cafe inspired knowing now that my dream is totally doable.  I was humbled that he asked whilst in Nairobi, would I visit the Ndururuno Secondary School on his behalf to reconfirm that his project is still in place, how could I say no to such an honour?

And to top of one of the most inspirational hours I've spent in a long time, he then tells me his wife is an artist and they would like to donate one of her pieces to my Silent Auction.

How blessed am I?  Since starting on this journey to Kenya, so many wonderful people have already crossed my path.


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