Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It's been a funny kinda day...

My general approach to life is usually one of; keep behind the scenes, stay out of the limelight and don't draw any undue attention to yourself, but since deciding to undertake this whole Kenya thing, that has had to change.  Shameless self promotion has had to become part of the norm, but to be honest, there is only so much talking about yourself you can do, before you start to bore even your own-self.

But needs must, so I messaged the Western Leader, our free local paper and made them aware of my project.  I explained how I was attempting to raise this money etc. etc.  Then yesterday afternoon I received a phone call asking if they could come to interview me today about; the Mudrun, Kenya and my whole approach to fundraising. At 10:00am this morning a lovely young woman arrived at my house, and she listened and took notes, as I chatted inanely to her about the whole thing... she concluded the interview with a picture or me holding the disgusting white singlet, posed next to Nelson, the large wooden giraffe that resides in the corner of my lounge.. I dread to think what it will be like... but like I said "needs must.." I will post a link if and when it's published.   

The reason I'm doing all this...

Meanwhile yesterday in a concerted effort to generate interest in the auction of the disgusting white singlet on TradeMe and a dire need to raise $7,000, I pushed messages out to as many business' as possible via the Facebook message system.  And it appears to be working.

I'm a strong believer of using the tools at hand and the right tool for the job, and it would seem social media is the tool for this job.  Whilst social media is often seen in a negative light, it has many positive attributes too.  Personally I've found messaging companies and business' via Facebook has proven far more successful than email alone.  It was via this method that I was lucky enough to receive an incredibly generous donation from Franich Jewellers for the Silent Auction.  Then last night I got a brilliant message from David at Hallertau Brewbar and Restaurant he very kindly offered to donate a voucher for a meal for two, for the Silent Auction, along with inviting me to "Hijack" one of their Tuesday quiz nights.  He suggested I bring along some friends and use it for fundraising purposes... I am hoping this means he will allow me to do a little spiel about myself (those that know me, know that is vomit inducing in itself), and then maybe encourage donations.  It's generosity such as this that really highlights the great people our community is made up of.


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