Thursday, July 12, 2012


I'm not entirely comfortable with being pushy, I don't like the thought of people thinking "Oh geepers, here's that woman raising funds for Kenya again"  So it's a balancing act between enthusiastic and over bearing.  

A couple of weeks back one of my girls told me 
"Mum you're posting too much of FB about the Kenya stuff"  
 I took that as constructive criticism, and started posting less but then the HC tells me "Bollocks, I love reading that stuff" and to be honest I take his advice seriously because this guy knows his stuff.  

But right now, all I want is a definitive answer from a few people with regards to my Silent Auction.  "Yes" or "NO" is all I need to know.  Finding a venue is proving more difficult than I anticipated, and my guest speaker, I just need confirmation one way or the other if they are prepared to give their time, I appreciate peoples time is precious and these people have many commitments, so thats why I don't want to be pushy....

I'm one of those people that check their online banking everyday (I just love the ANZ iphone app), when I checked this morning, my eyes glanced down to the "Getting Jacqui to Kenya" account, I noticed another cash donation had been deposited overnight, and from a totally unexpected source, it was such a pleasant surprise to see support had come from a friend of a friend.  As I've said before thanks is all I can give, Thank you, asante.

A chat with the HC this morning, reminded me of the constant level of support I have. Support be it from my fantastic mudrunning buddies, the generosity that appears from an unexpected source to the every present voice of the HC, it just reconfirmed I'm a very fortunate person. :o)
“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.” 
Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

Today's focus is not going to be Kenya, I have another very important event looming on the not too distant horizon and I'm ashamed to say that I've done little (read no) planning towards it, so I have to pull finger and make that happen too.  


Oh yeah, I'm just about to start reading The White Masai, by Corinne Hofmann.  

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