Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My first ever attempt at a video diary


So here it is, my very first attempt at a video diary. 

My first and quite possibly my last video diary.... I filmed this on my phone, trimmed it down and posted it.  I'm not sure if there will be more, that kind of depends on the response I get, but I felt that at least for those of you who've stumbled across abs-olutely by accident, or are here through my shameless self promotion, it puts a human touch to what is basically me asking you for help. 

Quite possibly the most godawful sit about and feel sorry for myself day I've had in a very long time.  I achieved nothing, apart from making myself feeling miserable, basically I spent the day finding excuses to justify not getting off my backside and approaching some business'; too wet, too hard, too tired, well hard luck Edwards they are all pathetic and no good excuses.  Granted I have spent hours sending out LinkedIn requests and forwarding my standard letter when I get a response, but to be honest nothing has come back from any of the ones I sent out, a little disheartening, so obviously the personal 1:1 approach is required.  I'm running out of places to visit that I think might help me.  


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