I Just Wish I Was as Confident as the Quotes I post........
I'm always the person that smiles and acts like they don't have a care in the world, the person everybody turns to and shares their troubles, the one who doesn't say when they are upset, the one who doesn't hold a grudge or stamp their feet and make a fuss. But you know what?, sometimes I want to make a fuss, I want to stamp my feet and pout my lip, I just wish I had the self confidence to do so, the self confidence everybody assumes I have.My cheerleader sometimes calls my lack of confidence self deprecation, I hate my lack of confidence and I'm working bloody hard to change it, but the Cheerleaders voice is quite right now, there are bigger issues than Kenya afoot. But not to worry, I'm a big girl and if there is one thing I've learnt being an only child, don't be too reliant on others, because at the end of the day you're responsible for your own success or failure.

It was nice to receive an email from my dad, he was asking advice on fundraising can you believe, I'm not sure I'm the person to be giving such advice just yet.... but it felt good, as I'm not sure my parents are totally comfortable with my decision to travel to Kenya alone. My dad volunteers for the New Zealand Coastguard, an organisation always in need of more funding, so I shared a little of what I'm doing to raise my funds, it felt nice being able to pass on a few tips, but really all I did was echo what I've been told time and again since this began "Action create Activity" the person who told me that really knows their stuff.
ps: 5 sleeps till the mud run....... eeeek
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