Friday, July 20, 2012

No Update Yesterday.....

Thursday didn't see an update, I came home from work sick, most unlike me.... I'm not normally a sufferer of headaches, but from late Wednesday a headache began to build until it got to the point yesterday that I could barely keep my left eye open and my vision was blurry, I had that horrible feeling of nausea and a real aversion to light... My daughter quickly diagonsed me with an inoperable brain tumour and left me to die on my bed, (she obviously gets her caring, nursing gene from her mother) whilst I think from what those around me say it might just have been a migraine.  

So I rummaged around in the medicine box on top of the fridge and found some codeine, by this stage I wasn't overly concerned it was circa 2001, I just needed this ice-pick that had been plunged through my left eye to be gone.  I took two of the archaic codeine, and crawled under the covers and around 11:00pm I realised said icepick , seemed to have been removed. Today just a fragile, groggy feeling remains, a bit like a hangover minus the alcohol.  Either way a massive improvement on yesterday, so back on the positive train again.

My morning started beautifully with a young girl from one of our Year 6 classes coming to give me a card and poem she written about my Kenya plans, her words really touched my heart. Now I wish I had brought the card home, but it's taking pride of place on my desk at the moment, next week I will publish her lovely words.  Today also saw lots of little acts of kindness sent my way, a facebook friend who is also a parent from school, popped in my office, to get a little more information about the whole Kenya venture, and was just so supportive.  At the end of the day, a mum I hardly know but who has shown so much support since talking to her at the end of last term, arrived asking when and where would be a good time to drop of goodies and wine for the auction. I mentioned in passing to her, I have a Sausage Sizzle next Saturday, her immediate response "Do you need some help?" This lady amazes and inspires me, she is a mum to 7 beautiful children, all of whom are an absolute credit to her, she never fails to offer her support to so many people, be it the school, her church or the general community, and here she is again going out of her way to help me, a person she barely knows.  AMAZING! If it wasn't for the Kenya trip, I would never have come in contact with so many 'good' people, it's these people that inspire me, it's these people that are turning this into a life changing event.

I was going to share the less than positive support I get from a different sector of my life, but you know what ! Why end such a positive day on a negative note, it doesn't do anybody any good, it isn't helpful and it just brings you down.  But just incase you're wondering, my life isn't always the box of chocolates I paint it to be, but if I let the sour grapes take over, I won't enjoy the sweetness along the way.


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