Saturday, July 21, 2012

♫♫ Thank You Very Much for Your Kind Donation ♫♫..

My usual quick morning check of my financial situation saw me stunned again how donations come from unexpected sources.  A generous donation from a colleague in the Getting Jacqui to Kenya account was a lovely thing to wake up to.  Top that off with a donation from my very special friend Mrs J.    Mrs J had already supported me by running the Mudrun with me, she had also sponsored me but had then proceeded to bid on my disgusting muddy top, it was this money that had been deposited into my account also this morning, thanks Mrs J and Mrs O'

I've put a halt on ALL unnecessary spending, life has become very frugal, but today I did splurge out on a Lonely Planet Kenya guide.  Over the years I've travelled to a number of places and often on my own, but never felt the need to purchase a Lonely Planet book before, but somehow this trip is different, very different.

Whilst I won't have the funds to do go on Safari and see sights that a tourist would see, I hope through the lonely planet book, my chances of seeing the 'real' Kenya exists.

I checked out some flights to Nairobi today, and found they are filling up fast, naively I hadn't taken Christmas into consideration.  I had just assumed that who else is traveling to Kenya at the end of the school year? Obviously far more people than I realised. So I think I have to pull finger and make a booking.  I don't quite have the airfare yet, but I'm sure with a little 'robbing Peter to pay Paul' I will make it happen in the next couple of weeks.

Many other mind blowingly cool things to post, but you know the old adage..."chickens and eggs, chickens and eggs...."


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