Wednesday, October 31, 2012

LifeStraw pt 4 ..... ONE HUNDRED 100

Life Straws

100 LifeStraws Pledged 

100 Children that will have safe drinking water for up to 3 years. 

This would not be possible without YOU...

To read a full list of the generous folk who pledged a LifeStraw click here --------> Pledges

Thank-you - Asante

My goal was get 50 LifeStraws by December and give them to the children at Gioto Garbage Slum.  But with a massive boost from Emma White and the team at EyeWorks it became obvious we could aim much higher, so now I'm taking 100 LifeStraws... 

But what next??? NOW what.?????

There are bigger and better plans brewing in this crazy blonde head of mine....

The first 39 were delivered today

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