Sunday, October 28, 2012

Something for Nothing

I was raised with the message that I would get nothing without hard work and perseverance, that a strong work ethic was the only way I would succeed, and to this day I believe this to be true.  But what if my desire to work hard, my desire to better myself and improve my lot in life, to achieve my dreams wasn't always enough? What if I needed some help along the way, would  there be somebody to guide me, to extend that helping hand, to inspire me?

Yes there was, did I appreciate it?  More than words can ever explain...... and that is what drives me. The feeling I felt when somebody helped me, with no expectation of me being able to repay him, simply because he believed in me was amazing, I want to make others feel like that.

So now it's my turn to be that person, it's my turn to help others, to help those who's only form of 'repayment' is a smile or a "thank you.."

To give, with the expectation of receiving nothing in return is an alien concept to many in todays world, but to others it's a way of life.  In this cynical, money and power hungry society all to often we are guilty of bartering our contribution for a reward, the actions of many are driven by the incentive of
"What's in it for me?"  
Whilst I've never been so self-absorbed that reward was the primary focus or motivation for my actions, neither have I ever been so altruistic that helping others was my driving force.  But in recent times I've begun to appreciate how rewarding it is to give, to give with the expectation of nothing in return.

If we are clothed, housed, and fed then we are richer than 75% of the world, does this not make us morally obligated to help those who through NO fault of their own, are not so blessed?  Now don't get me wrong I'm not advocating martyrdom, as this benefits nobody, but realising that the excesses we have come to see as the norm in our lives, are just that, excessive! It is this realisation that's motivated me.

I appreciate that not everybody wants to head off to the far flung corners of this earth and face the sad and desperate sights that are the harsh reality for far too many.  But that isn't the only way to make this world a better place.

Here's a thought.... how about the next time you see somebody in need, ask yourself "how can I help that person?" It might be the young frazzled mother struggling with a cranky baby and wonky shopping shopping trolley, it could be that elderly person trying to read the small print in the store, or the immigrant at the mall who looks lost and bewildered.  Whilst it would be much quicker to put your head down, to pretend not to see, to be texting or on the phone, would that the right thing to do?  Don't help with the expectation of reward, help because it's the right thing to do.
"It's always the right time, to do the right thing"

"Be the change you wish to see in this world"  - Gandhi

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