This journey has brought into my life people that I may have never otherwise had the honour of knowing, people who have such a depth of heart that their words, support and actions have moved me to tears on more than one occasion.
Be it the unwavering support of a colleague, who prior to this I hardly knew - let alone expected to care about my dream, to the parent from the school where I work who turned up with her children and a friend to help flip sausages in the early days of my fundraising attempts. Or the jaw dropping support from friends, family and complete strangers when I held my major fundraising event on September 17th. Unexpected support came too from a virtual stranger, I've thanked him many times, and he modestly brushes it off with compliments to me! But words will never and can never express my sincere gratitude to this man, a man who changed not only my belief that this could happen, but enabled me to think bigger and wider than just my immediate dream, and for that there can never be enough words of thanks.
And to my dear friend, who repeatedly told me "action creates activity" never a more true word was spoken, he made me believe in my own ability to make this happen, I could never have dreamt this time twelve months ago that I would be about to embark on a dream I'd held for so long, that the only thing stopping me was myself.
So as I step forth to a place I've only ever dreamed of, I go not as a pioneer, for many many people have done this before me and undoubtedly many more will follow. But what I do go with, is a sincere desire to help those who through no fault of their own were not as blessed as I.
"It's always the right time to do the right thing"
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