Sunday, February 2, 2014


Those of you that know me personally or via Facebook, will know I've pledged to complete the 2014 Rotorua Marathon on May 3rd in the name of clean water.  Please understand I'm not a runner, I've never run a marathon before and I envisage run/walking this one, my goal is to complete not set speed records, I'm just a fit person with a passion to make a difference in the lives of others.

In an effort to generate renewed interest around my campaign I've renamed my blog and Facebook pages to reflect this...


Through 42forWater I intended to get sponsorship in the form of water filtration devices.  A minimum of 42 units to be precise.  
42 LifeStraw Family water filtration devices one for every kilometre of the marathon.  
That's 42 families gaining access to clean safe water.

A LifeStraw family unit costs $100 and will give a family of five people clean safe drinking water for three years.  Water borne illness is the leading cause of death across Africa, more children miss school because of illness due to dirty contaminated water than any other reason, $100 can change that prospect for three years.  

LifeStraw Family 
1 unit = 5 people access to clean safe drinking water for 3 years

42 units = 210 people with access to clean safe drinking water for 3 years 


210 people clean safe drinking water for 3 years = 229,950 days of clean drinking water

Nobody is too small to make a difference, if you are prepared to sponsor me (pool resources with friends, family, colleagues) to complete the Rotorua marathon, I'm prepared to endure the training and the actual event.

Just think in three years time will you even notice that $100? But a family in Nakuru Kenya will still be reaping it's benefits.


  1. Hi Jacqui, I will pledge 2 lifestraws. Good luck with your goal, and your run!

    1. Hi there. You're the lady that commented on my good friend Vikki's class blog aren't you?
      Thank you for your generous pledge. I would be happy to chat to you about your upcoming trip to Nakuru and Kenya. Feel free to add me on Facebook if you have it. Search Jacqui Edwards. I'm just heading out now for a training run but happy to talk later or in the near future
      Thank you so much for the pledge
